
Learning German in the Republic of Korea

Students writing a test.
© DAAD/Lichtenscheidt

Goethe-Institut Korea

When it comes to teaching German, the Goethe-Institut is the global market leader. In Korea, it offers a broad variety of German courses for all levels. Please find an overview here (available in Korean and German).

German language examinations in the Republic of Korea

Test DaF

The TestDaF is a widely recognized language test for foreign learners of German who need to meet German university language requirements or who require recognised certification of their language skills. The TestDaF examination is centrally developed and rated by the TestDaF Institute based in Hagen, Germany. On its website, it offers comprehensive information about taking and preparing for the test, including sample tests. In the Republic of Korea, you may take the test at these test centres (information in German).


The “Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” (German Language Examination for Academic Purposes, DSH) is not being offered in the Republic of Korea but by German universities. Find more information here.

German Language Examinations by the Goethe-Institut Korea

The Goethe-Institut Korea offers globally recognized German language examinations on all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Please check with your universities of choice / uni-assist whether a Goethe language examination on a C1 or C2 level is required for admission. Please find more information here.

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